Saturday, February 7, 2009

Suck on this

Hello all, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I have been busy working with the Doulas of Regina as well as working on my CAPPA Certified Lactation Educator. I'm also currently enjoying the local La Leche League scene here in Regina and maintaining my physio therapy three days per week. Plus breast feeding and playing chauffeur to my oldest! We're very busy here, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I thought I would post this article on breast feeding from "The Ecologist" webzine. Lately I've encountered some counter-arguements to how our culture has normalized formula and how it really isn't a bad option if you've made the choice to formula feed.

From a health care professional stand point, breast is "best" and only second to pumped breast milk, milk from a milk bank, milk from goats, and finally cows and soy-based formulas.

I urge anyone who's weighing out their feeding choices to read the labels on the formula packages.

Happy reading!

The human species has been breastfeeding for nearly half a million years. It’s only in the last 60 years that we have begun to give babies the highly processed convenience food called ‘formula’. The health consequences - twice the risk of dying in the first six weeks of life, five times the risk of gastroenteritis, twice the risk of developing eczema and diabetes and up to eight times the risk of developing lymphatic cancer – are staggering.

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